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  1. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 05:40

  2. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 05:45

  3. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 05:50

  4. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 06:00

  5. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 06:10

  6. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 06:15

  7. City Tour “The Presence of the Past”- Stadtführung in Konstanz- Konstanz

    Informative, historical and popular: this classic tour through the old town is the “hit” of the ... the places of interest in the City Center. This exciting journey through the Middle Ages to the ...

    Reservix - 08.04.2024 - 06:25

  8. Forum N | Liebe und Hass- Frankfurt am Main

    and is revealed in numerous religiously inspired work titles. This is also the case in »The Wrath of ... oratorio »On Love and Hate« by Sofia Gubaidulina unfortunately had to be canceled. This Forum N by the ... Frankfurt Radio Symphony is all about the great »mystic« of the musical avant-garde Sofia Gubaidulina, but ...

    Reservix - 25.04.2024 - 02:10

  9. Ab geht die Lutzi- Rottershausen

    feierten wir das 10. AB GEHT DIE LUTZI Festival und es hat einfach alles gepasst. 3 Tage lang Musik, ... sich Team und Gäste schnell wieder gefangen und darauf geeinigt das Lutzi Festival 2020 einfach ... ausgehungert und alle sind heiß wieder abzugehen. Wir setzen alles daran, das Festival endlich wieder möglich ...

    Gast (nicht überprüft) - 26.04.2022 - 22:54

  10. Status Quo- LIVE 2024- mit Canned Heat- München Montag, 8. Juli 2024 (All day) Tollwood Festival Spiridon Louis Ring 80809 München Deutschland ... ´round the world like a band on the run. I like it, I like it, yeah we´re gonna have fun.” 14 Shows, bei ... denen natürlich auch der QUO Mega-Klassiker „Rockin´ All Over The World“ nicht fehlen darf und wird- ...

    Reservix - 07.04.2024 - 16:20
